Thursday, February 12, 2009

tree of life....

salam. see the picture above? Ha! that is one of the trees i have in my compound which i consider as decorative plants. you see, i like to spend time in the late afternoon with the plants around my house. within the compound, all the plants are decorative ones only, which need a lot of attention, (everyday to be exact!) while outside the fence i have a few fruit trees; rambutan, mangoes, longan, kuini, jackfruit, bananas, coconut, tapioca and few others. alhamdulillah, all the trees, except for the jackfruit, have borne fruits. not much actually but sure enough for the family and sometimes for the neighbours as well.
time spent with the plants is actually a form of escapism. when i'm busy with the plants, then i'm in my own lil' planet. though physically it seems like a laborious task, considering the fact that i have more or less hundred plants to care for, mentally and emotionally i'm in a carefree mood.
the inner part of me gets to relax, unlike the outer part which is drenched with sweat, and also the occasional bruises here and there.
to see the thing you work hard for bears fruit is an experience that is priceless. no word can really describe the feeling. only those who have encountered the same situation can understand it, albeit the fact it's not actually the same since a person's experience can never be 100% the same as another person's experience.
talking about trees, there's a book by ibnu arabi entitled Syajaratul Kaun @ Pohon Kejadian. there's an ayat, from surah ibrahim, verse 24: "Allah telah membuat perumpamaan kalimat yang baik seperti pohon yang baik, akarnya tegak dan cabangnya (menjulang ke langit)."
it's a good book, full of symbolism, but not an ideal one for the masses. nevertheless, boleh la jugak kalau nak layan baca, kan..
well, this is just about everything i can share with you for now. lastly, berkebunlah untuk jiwa raga yang sihat, insyaAllah.

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