Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Life Of Pi

Nil Magnum Nisi Bonum

No greatness without goodness. That’s the meaning of the quotation above. Taken from Life Of Pi, a novel written by Yann Martell. The novel I’m reading. Currently.
It was yesterday when I started reading it. Ida bought it for me a few months back but I, being soooo busy, just couldn’t find the time to read it. I just didn’t know when I would open the first page as this year’s level of busyness was totally different. But now that I have started reading it, I can’t stop. And I’m into my 144 page. But I’ll continue on that later. Now is the time for me to write. Write what’s in my mind, and maybe what’s in my heart as well.

Back to Life Of Pi. It’s rather wordiness if I must say. Especially the first few chapters. Guess it’s the writer style. But once you get into the stride, there’s no stopping. Especially for avid reader. Now I am somewhere in the part where Pi, the protagonist, is ship-wrecked. Oh, by the way, have you seen the movie? The opening chapters are a contrast to what you see in the movie. They are not there in the movie. And being movie, it can’t go into details, especially when you deal with something abstract, such as feelings, perceptions, etc, etc.

Pi is a Hindu, a Christian, a Muslim, all three at one go. Pi loves God. So much so that he sees God, or perhaps His reflections, His shadow, in things that are common to the ordinary people.

Life Of Pi is actually something new to me, in that it offers a different element: surprises, humanity, originality, and to an extent life is a fairy tale. But I will not dwell or indulge too much into it since I have yet to finish reading it. My final words would be: it’s unbelievable believable.  : )

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