Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Puisi untuk kawan


Untuk bertemu

Seperti dulu


Ketika n masa


Hingga tiada


Untuk kita


Berbual mesra

Hanya mampu 


Dalam mimpi

Yang pulang pagi

nkc ~

*thanks Yunie

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

what is life


Monday, August 26, 2024

Ziarah Parents


kubur Ayah n Mak kt sungai Tiram

Kubur Bak n Mak kt Shah Alam

a fortnite ago, after subuh, left for Shah Alam cemetery with my wife n Arief. Nowadays normally once a month or two months, i would visit my parents there. bersihkan kubur sambil nyembang n berdoa utk deme. Pastu i would stop by at my parents place for a couple of hours because Al stays there, but this time around Al had gone to the cinema. Kitorg chill for an hour ++ before leaving for home. Once we reached Lekio, we stopped at Tanah Perkuburan Sungai Tiram to visit Ayah n Mak. After having a late lunch we reached home at 3++. Alhamdulillah.

i make it compulsory for me to visit them as often as possible, as long as i am still alive n my health permitting. It is good for the soul, in the sense that it makes us realise that we are mere mortals and any day now we would be joining them. Hence, we tend to slow down a bit on our worldly affairs n ponder what is the best course to take from now till our last day on earth. 

Normally we tend to be sober for a while but later on it is back to normal: lagho dunya. hahaa!
Nevertheless on a serious note, i am just playing my part as a child to my parents n trying to do good as much as possible in this limited time so that i do not regret n despair later.
May Allah bestow His Love towards my parents n my parents in law.

Monday, August 12, 2024

Puisirindu ii

Apakah bicara sang layang2 pada lelangit
Berapa lama perlu ku tunggu
Mendengar cerita dari mu

Apakah yg dibisik angin pada sang awan
Adakah cuma rindu2an

Dengar kan lah

Apakah yg ingin dikata oleh hati
Kenapa Ia perlu di sembunyi

Jika bibir mampu meniup seruling bambu
Kenapa pada ku Kau terus membisu

Apakah yg didengar bunga dari sang kupu2
Nyatakanlah dengan kata2 Mu

Kenapa harus Ku merenung mata Mu
Sedangkan Kau terus membisu
Katakan sesuatu
Jangan biar Aku termanggu, menunggu jawapan rindu 



Saturday, August 10, 2024


 Hidup ini adalah kenangan

Kerna ia hanyalah persinggahan

Tuk meninggalkan nama

Dan ceritera

Oh ibu

Aku rindu

Berbaring Di ribaan mu

Sambil Kau mengusap lembut

Rambut ku

Oh ayah

Aku rindu

Pimpinan tangan mu

Membawa aku

Bersiar Di hari hari


Kalian berdua

Telah pergi

Ke dunia abadi

Bilakah lagi

Akan ku rasai

Manja sebegini



Dan semuga

Kerinduan itu

Diangkat berlalu

Bila Kita bertemu 


Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Thoughts & Stories


Thoughts & Stories

What happened in the Paris Olympics 2024 opening was a profound manifestation of The Order of The Illuminati. It was a ritual and I am astonished how the people in the world are blind to this charade. The opening was laced with satanic rituals, pedophilia and cannibalistic imagery and clearly mocked the Christians’ belief. Simply put, the opening was a disgrace.

On another note, the mat saleh @ westerners are sore losers. Not all but quite a number I must say. Especially American, Western European and Australian. They always feel that they are superior compared to people coming from Asia or Africa. The Chinese swimmer not only won the gold in the 100m freestyle but also broke the world record at the same time while undergoing doping tests daily. Instead of congratulating the feat achieved by Pan Zhanle, they ridiculed him and looked down upon him. They may feel they are superior but it is obvious they are only projecting their arrogance by making unjustly remarks.

Now that Ismail Haniyeh has been martyred by the Zionists, and in Tehran too for that matter, will the Iranian retaliate? It is quite difficult to say so because there is so much at stake. With both Iran and Israel having nuclear weaponry, the impacts will definitely spread to other countries if war broke out. And the whole world will be affected one way or the other. Personally, it is an ideal thought if Israel can be wiped out from the world map. (Except the orthodox Jews who adhere to the teaching of the Torah) For what they have done to the Palestinians all this while, it is indescribable. Only the devil and his advocates will pursue the path of destruction that is being done mercilessly and systematically. But things are not as easy as it seems. Nevertheless, the truth will prevail. And in The Most Just I rest my hope and trust. 

Currently, I am in a transition mode. Since my retirement last December, (though I stayed on at skool till the holiday @ early February) I have been keeping to myself a lot. Though there are thoughts and events to share, I could say that I am yet to be back in my elements. Or should I say I have lost my wants? I do not meet people so much like before, because I don’t want to. Even with my dearest. I prefer to be left alone in my thoughts. For now. Nevertheless I am enjoying myself too, to be honest. I still teach, albeit just an hour on the average per day at a school nearby. My classes normally start after half past ten, so my mornings are a slow and relaxed one. I tend to my plants around the yard, go for a jog twice a week, have my breakfast at the different local cafes and stalls nearby now and then, and chill. Basically I get to do as I please and at my leisurely pace. Afternoon will consist of a siesta after lunch, reading a bit, and after asar, it is back to my yard, again. Night is the time to be with family. The idea of penning my poems in a collection still lingers in my mind, and there are other dreams too. But the thought of death also appears daily, which makes me vigilant with regard to my needs and wants. As for now, I am still contemplating on my next move.

Last Sunday I experienced a ‘bad to worse’ scenario. Or in BM, sudah jatuh ditimpa tangga. While having breakfast at a roadside stall somewhere in Kuantan, (I was sending my daughter back to her campus there) with my car stationary across the road, a motorcycle, which was trying to avoid another bike, crashed onto the rear of my vehicle. The bumper and bonnet were dented. Since I did not want to create a fuss, I simply told the rider who hit my car that once I had it repaired, we would each pay half of the cost. He agreed. So I headed home. Reaching the Karak toll booth, the car stalled and came to a stop. I called a mechanic and upon checking my car, it seemed the engine had kaput. So I had no choice but to take my car home via a loader. It was around 3++ in the afternoon at that time, with the heavy traffic of Sunday afternoon, and the loader being heavy itself, it took seven hours to finally reach home. Pehh! Layan je laa, knn.. sabo banyak2, okeyy.

Finally, I finished reading “A Place For Us”, a novel that Ida gifted me last year. I only had the chance to really start reading it after Ramadhan. Being the author first novel, I would say it is a great debut for Fatima Farheen Mirza. It has a sad ending. Or should I say, the story is full of sadness. Joy only creeps in bits and pieces. The longing for something better and the what-if situations make the story more miserable. Well, that’s my thoughts on it lahh. I opine what I feel. But the story is also a reflection of life from a different perspective. 

Earlier this year, while on a trip, I brought along “Days At The Morisaki Bookshop” by Satoshi Yagisawa. It is a translation because the original is in Japanese. It tells of a girl who spends part of her life living in a bookshop. Her uncle’s bookshop. (Japan is famous for having bookshops of all sorts cramped in one huge area. Literally, the number of bookshops goes to the hundreds, if not thousands. And they offer all kinds of books, and most of the shops are passed down from one generation to the next.) the story revolves around Takako, who’s heart is broken when she finds out the boy that she likes, is getting married. To run away from her misery, she chooses to stay at her uncle’s place. The approach used by the author is rather straightforward, but he knows how to instill humor here and there. Though the story is simple, I find it an interesting read too. Probably if I were to understand Japanese, I would find the novel more interesting, right? Who knows..

How can PAS claim if one were to be with the party it will bring them people to heaven? When did God give this political party the key to unlock the door to heaven? Is Pas at the same level as the Prophet pbuh? Or is it playing God? How mind boggling to know that some people are so gullible and follow the party blindly. There is nothing Islamic about Pas ever since Nik Aziz passed away. If I were to sum up, the members are plain hypocrite, especially those sitting at the top position. The low rank or ordinary members never want to give a thought of the happenings around them or perhaps they are simply dumb. Just because they wear a skull cap or a turban doesn’t mean they are more Islamic. As it is now, Pas is at the same level as Ayah Pin because both promise the heaven to their followers. Just because you are the opposition it doesn’t mean you have to oppose everything the government of the day does. You are good at twisting words and making use of every opprtunity to create a tense situation in order to gain support when deep in your heart you know it is not for the religion but solely for gaining power.

Enough of promoting anger and hatred, which I should not be doing. The world is a sad place, a bad place, a terrible place to live. if one knows and realizes. I fear for my children and the future generation. But remembering the song ‘Row your Boat’, the last line says, “life is just a dream..”, it helps to decrease this worriedness and also remembering the saying, “nothing will come, but God’s will”, it makes me calm and slightly content with the current situation.

God is love ~

Enough for now. Until next time, if there is a next time, see ya!




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