Tuesday, March 26, 2013

tau tak?

*kak beha passed away this morning..

Saturday, March 23, 2013

life's a dream

if you look back, life's a dream.
if you look forward, life's a dream.


days of emotions

End of a journey..
Since last Monday, the under 15 football team took part in the district tournament. Personally, I saw that the set of players as being above average, with bright hopes, consisting of form twos and form threes players. They started off well, winning the the first game 7-1 against ACS, thrashing Pangkor 10-1 in the second match, and was the group champion. Confidence was running high, I must say, coz in the quarter they won convincingly 4-0 against Methodist Ayer Tawar. The semi was a formality when they won 3-0 against Datuk Idris, which enabled them to meet Manjung in the final, in what was anticipated as a crunching affair, what with Manjung being the defending champion, and my school team beating their opponents at ease.
So, earlier this afternoon, slightly after asar, the team @ D’team, played in the final. Shockingly, the players didn’t play to their ability, were unsure of what to do, most were playing below par, crumbled at the last hurdle, and lost 0-3. Simply put, they didn’t turn up for the game. D’team was non-existence. I don’t mind losing, but they way they gave up so easily is what still baffling me. Did I do the game-plan wrong? Hmm.. time will tell.
After all the euphoria, suddenly disappointment set in at the last part, erasing all the wonderful memories of earlier games.. potong stim, kan..  apapun, syukur Alhamdulillah. In a way, a burden has been lifted off my chest, and I can unwind for a while.

Spm ’12 result..
Thursday the 21st. The mood was high. The x-form fives were waiting patiently for their result to be released. After an hour delay, they, the candidates, got their result. Cheers, cries, shouts, could be heard. Some students were crying openly, because of sheer happiness and excitement, and sadness, with what they achieved.
I was glad and happy for most of them, and for the few who were in sorrow, I could only offer my words of advice, telling them it’s not the end of the world.. mere consolations.
For English, the school achieved a pass of 84% with 10 As. Surprisingly, 2012 form 5 kenanga, the class that I labeled as mayat2 hidup, consisting of 26 students, who had been maintaining 1 pass in every exam from form four till the trial, managed to produce 13 students passing in English. I couldn’t be any happier for those who passed coz it surpassed my expectation.

Moral of the story:
After all the excitements and disappointments, after all the euphoria and high feeling, as well as the potong stim and feeling so low, just get over it. Yes, you look back, but that’s just about it. Don’t dwell too long and too much with the past. You know why? Read the above posting..
For now, layankan saje..



sangat menakjubkan bila seorang doktor dari Greek, Dr. Aris Tsigris telah mengeluarkan seorang bayi yang masih dalam kantung air ketuban (amniotic fluid)..

Menurut Dr. Aris Tsigris, perkara ini jarang2 berlaku. dan yang paling menakjubkan ialah bayi ini tidak sedar bahawa dia telah di lahirkan di dunia. dia seolah-olah berasa masih berada di dalam rahim ibunya. dia tidak lemas sehinggalah kantung air ketuban itu ditanggalkan. dan bayi ini terus bernafas.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

yang bermain di kepala hotak..

nite everyone :)
itu yang gua inginkan sekarang ini,
apatah lagi setelah berjemur panas petang
menyaksikan budak bawah 15 tahun
lawan bola.. penat n lesu bebeno..
tapi mana boleh, kan..
pas ni nak amik nia balik ngaji,
pastu pukul sembilan amik arief n lisa
balik tuition pulak..

penat setara ni, memang malas bebeno
nak gi sekolah esuk.. tapi mana boleh, kan..
gua cikgu, beb! jadi layankan saje, ye..

jadi, apa yang gua boleh lakukan sekarang ni
adalah berdoa agar diberi kekuatan dalam
menghadapi segala yang mendatang..
yang ini gua boleh buat, kan..

ni nak isya' dh, jadi pakcik cargas dulu, ye!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Friday, March 15, 2013

Monday, March 11, 2013

ganja n d holy man

A sadhu (Hindu holy man) smokes marijuana on the premises of Pashupatinath Temple during the Shivaratri festival in Kathmandu March 10, 2013. Celebrated by Hindu devotees all over the world, Shivaratri is dedicated to Lord Shiva, and holy men mark the occasion by praying, smoking marijuana or smearing their bodies with ashes. – Reuters pic

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Thursday, March 7, 2013


adalah apa yang lu nak jadi..
apa lu nak jadi?
lu jangan jadi sochai, haa!


*sochai= bengap @ bengong

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

tak lama dh tu..

tak lama dh tu..
awat bengap benar puak2 ubn ni..
nk bubuh banner pun, siasat la dulu..

Monday, March 4, 2013

sikit-sikit anwar..

punya la paranoid puak2 ubn..

Sunday, March 3, 2013

early march stories..

1st march, bak's birthday. he's 84, bro, and is still going on strong. insyaAllah.
slightly more than a week ago, mak's 78th birthday. she's doing fine too. alhamdulillah.
by now, ida is already there in NY. insyaAllah hopefully.
and by the 8th this month,  she'll tie the knot with adam. i'm so happy for her.
congrats has been said beforehand, anyway it doesn't hurt to say it again.
maybe later on the 8th kot.. : )

school's life is getting hectic by the day.. football about to start soon mid march.
next month sukan tara pulak. my hands are really full, beb. 
this week there are a few things going on: puisi n lagu contest, pibg meeting, perkhemahan tahunan, ladap, peh..
tapi layan je.. kan..

my mind is always on the move, thinking about the next day, week, month..
next move, step, target,..
it keeps me on my toes, and i honestly hope i can maintain this kind of enthusiasm, exuberance, proactive, all these fantastic virtues provided by Him, till the very end, in every single thing i do.
hasbi Allah.


this could possibly be my favourite text photo on tumblr

all i need is the air that i breathe just to love You..
-the hollies-

Bali Accommodation