Gua baru blk ronda² malaya beb
Nanti esuk lusa gua cita
La ni gua nk bersidang dgn kaum bermuzakarah sambil bermantul²an
deals with anything, everything, and perhaps, nothing...
Gua baru blk ronda² malaya beb
Nanti esuk lusa gua cita
La ni gua nk bersidang dgn kaum bermuzakarah sambil bermantul²an
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d DO, in the middle, with his fellow goonies |
how dumb can u be, to name a stadium after your own name, albeit in inverted order, n acting as if u were unaware it's your name after all?
that's what took place in kedah @ padang terap @ kuala nerang recently when a district officer, Hakim Ariff, named d stadium after himself. self projection in d dumbest manner possible! and he even explained that d name was derived from greek or spanish, n arabic as well. adoyai..
recent search showed that ffira in bulgarian means wastage @ pembaziran.
u assume we are so gullible to simply swallow what u've said? asshole!
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Bak, in d middle, in this 1950s police band picture |
so it's not surprising that his talent n liking in music rub off upon his children. abang, my eldest sibling, is a great singer, akak too can sing n actually won contests when she was younger, ajib n al can play d guitar n sing too, n my youngest sibling, ida, has a wonderful voice as well actually. but nazam stands out from the rest because he made a living playing music: he could play d piano, blow instruments but d guitar is where he found his fame. he could play it as if his fingers had eyes of their own. i went to see him performing when i could when he was plying his trade around the country. not forgetting my beautiful Mak, who had such a lovely soft voice, n i swear i could hear her singing d lullaby just by mentioning about it.
Actually some of my siblings are multi talented because al is a script writer n film director n he plays d ukelele too n ida writes very well n i love to read her writings.
as for me, i just sing n play d guitar to layan kepala aje though once in d 1980s i had dreamed of being a singer in a band. it didn't work out but i still enjoy d moments in my 'own bands' here n there, now n then. i play solo normally, coz i always customize d songs to suit my singing. thus it's easier being a lone ranger.
i learn to play d guitar from my brothers obviously. al with his john denver's songs, ajib with his malay songs n we had a song book which consisted thousands of english songs, from d 50s to d 70's. then when i was fifteen, my time with d cherry boys widen my varieties, n i played reggae n rock n roll a lot back then, interlace with malay songs from d 60s, 70s, :alleycat, carefree, flybait, black dog bone, kembara n many others.
in d early 80s, i n muzaimie, an old friend during my disco days, wanted to form a band. and we even had kudin, the headwind keyboardist, on our wing. but thing didn't turn out. after i went to d maktab ilmu khas, there i found my first real band. it was d flexible, consisting of jon boo on d keyboard as well as d band leader, lan rock on d bass, mastor on d drum, mat spark on d guitar n yours truly d singer. we played at many functions during my time time at d college because we were flexible: we could belt out any songs to suit d occasions. it was a gratifying moment to be with my band mates. but we separated ways when we received our postings. so, i continued being a solo performer once again.
then, in 1995, when i continued my studies at usm, i had a new band, d kgm. it was an unplugged trio actually: cha'om played d bongo @ percussion, abg zam played d maracas n i played d guitar n sang as well. nasir chipped in with d back-up vocal n sometimes he would sing a song too. d band lasted a year because all my band members were in d final year, except me being in first year. sabo je la, knn.
now that i've been teaching in lumut for more than twenty years, i occasionally would groom my students to perform d nasyid or choir with a progressive approach, n those who have d penchant in playing musical instruments, i would have them practise with me especially when there were functions for me to perform. it's a good experience for them, n a fulfilling activity for me.
nowadays, once a month sort of, i would have a jammin session with d cincirak, my kampung band. well, it's not really a band because there are only two instuments. i play d guitar, n gaban plays d drum. pe'oih would sometimes be d vocalist n we would jam for a couple of hours till we exhausted all d songs in our heads. d location would always b gaban's office. memang mantul, gua cakap lu hahaa
honestly, it's a marvelous feeling n a form of escapism to get d stress out of d system everytime i have my jammin session. but i don't do it much often as i would love to. yelah, dh tua, knnn, hahaa, n i try to minimise my poya2 activities. nanti orang cakap tak sedo diri pulak dhh hahaa
but i still look forward to it, coz i guess it runs in d blood.
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Guala! - d great pretender |
Dan kerinduan ini
Untuk kesekian kali
Begitu menyiksa
Dan kerinduan
Adalah doa tak henti-henti
Mengintai di celah kenangan
Menghimpit perasaan
Dan kerinduan
Terus menusuk hati
Yang tiba hanya pilu
Datang bertamu
Biarlah sukma
terus merindu
Kerna hanya itu yang mampu
Walau pedih menyiat
Sepanjang hayat
nkc @ Lekio
Pools of sorrow, waves of joy are drifting through my
open mind,
Possessing and caressing me..
Remembering Bak & Mak
Have u found
what you were seeking
After three
years of Mak's passing
Ne'er once
you mentioned of her
Not her name
And not even
how we called her
Though u
visited her once at d grave with me in d morning rain
You shed
tears for her passing publicly then
And that was the only time you showed your heart's content
But In your
private moments, countless memories must have crossed your mind
And how it
pained your heart
Longing for
I will never
know how badly you missed her
Coz of
How well you bottled up your emotions
But for sure
I know how much you loved her
And how
painfully difficult for you to live without her
And now I
hope you’ve found your solace
And Mak will
be waiting for you at the place
And your
pain will be erased
With God's
love n grace
I'll miss u
I surely do
Like I've
missed you before
But this
my beloved Bak passed away in my arms
at 12.50am 13th nov 2020
Precious moments.
Every day is full of it
in actuality, though we often take things for granted and never seem to
appreciate matters until they are gone or lost in yesteryears.
As for this posting, I would
like to share some of the happenings since raya haji till my recent excursion at d kelong.
Raya Haji was spent in PJ
with Bak n Al, since Raya Puasa everyone was locked down under the pkp. My family
n I spent a nite there.
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with Bak after takbir raya |
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family gue |
Bak is bedridden now,
though his mind is still alert. I can’t help but to feel sorry for him. frankly i would love to spend time with him just like i did when Al went to Indonesia last year. but i try my best to accomodate Bak as much as possible when i'm back in PJ. Luckily
Al is around, n with assistance from Ros d nurse, n Ria d maid, hope they can
keep Bak company.
The other day, Abang, my
eldest brother, shared pics of everyone during the early years. They were very
nostalgic to me, and here I wanna share just a few. coz sharing a lot would definitely bring tears to d heart.
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1977 rumah kedai |
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khan's brothers early 90's |
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Bak n Mak, happy moment in bp |
Nia, Arief n Lisa are now
locked up in their respective hostels, so they can’t come home as usual. So during
Nia n Lisa birthdays, I sent cakes thru online service. When they come home
then we may have a proper celebration. Maybe la..
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lisa's birthday cake |
At school, I am as active
as ever, I would say. In between teaching, sometimes I help my friends to sell
their Korean spicy chicken n chocolate cheese cake. It’s fun for me in doing
that, n most of the time I’ll get my free share too hahaa alhamdulillah
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choco cheese meraung rm10 |
Now that the children are
away studying, except for Abil, who’s home n working part-time nearby, me n my
missus always buy our dinner. It’s cheaper n faster actually, though on
weekends I prefer home cooked meals. On wednesday nite we often go to pekan rabu at bt 10 to buy d delicacies such as satay, seri muka, mi habuna, yong tau foo, popiah
basah. Not all at one go la, just mentioning the stuffs we usually buy jee. And
a couple of weeks ago I saw a pedlar selling rings with assorted color stones. It
was a rare sight. i didn't buy any though.
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d pedlar n d colorful rings |
At school, late September,
the students were getting busy preparing for the trial. So every subject had to
have a workshop for them, n yours truly handled d English workshop, with d hope
the students would remember n apply d knowledge shared, inshaAllah. I requested
to run d first workshop since I was due for a minor surgery at HAT on d 1st
October. Once d workshop’s done, d next day I went for my dreaded (hahahaa!) appointment
at d hospital. Since it’s covid season, I had to undergo a swab test. Adoyai! Layan
je laa..i was warded for four days, n all in all, d surgery could b considered
a success. D experience being in hospital, n undergoing surgery, was kind of
traumatic n scary. But since it’s something unavoidable, and with God by my
side, I soldiered on. Alhamdulillah. Oh, I was given two weeks of mc which made
my colleagues at school wonder what happened to me because nobody knew I was to
undergo a surgery. Being d secretive person, I didn’t share much about d
surgery except to thank them for their concern hahaa
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hospital meal |
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getting ready |
After recuperating at
home, it was school time again, n after another couple of weeks, I was feeling
well enough to go for my morning run. But since d discomfort was still there, I
did slow jog. But now, like today for instance, I am able to run further n
faster. Alhamdulillah.
I guess I feel well
enough now to b back to my normal self, n doing things I love doing. So, last
week, I mowed d lawn around d house, which took a couple of hours jugak la,
painted kaklong’s room, since Abil’s room was painted before I was hospitalized,
n looking forward to go to my kebun as usual on alternate weekends.
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Abil's room: new paint, new bed, new curtain |
Ohh last Sunday I went to
spend time at a kelong off d coast of segari with my fellow teacher’s mates. I was
not really into fishing actually but for friendship sake, I obliged. There were ten of us, n from 9am till 6pm, fishing away. While waiting
for d fish to catch d bait, (honestly, it was a bad day for fishing) jamil n
basitt prepared grilled lamb n fish. With everyone contributing food, it was a
galore actually. Nasi lemak, roti canai, cucoq udang, rice with grilled fish,
cold plain water in between, n best of all, endless grilled lamb. I ate till I couldn’t
eat no more. After zohor, I made a move for home because I didn’t think I could
stand being on d kelong doing nothing except eating. The rest of them stayed
until d promised hour.
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kaum packing stuffs onto d boat |
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basitt, guala, jamil, syahir |
Honestly there are many
more things to write about but then, some things are better left unsaid, so
they say.
As for now, I am thankful
for every lil thing that come my way, whether planned or otherwise. Coz every
lil thing is a precious moment.
alhamdulillah i end this post here.
Adat hidup
Bertongkatkan mati
Adat hidup
Susah dulu senang menanti
Adat hidup
Kawan beribu kasih yang Satu
Adat hidup
Muda berahi tua lesi
Adat hidup
Sihat afiat sakit dirasai
Adat hidup
Menabur bakti menuai budi
Adat hidup
Bertemukan mati
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zaman muda2 |
Hj Amin @ Amin Tailor, member gua nyembang2 sekali sekala,
meninggal dunia pagi tadi. Baru hari khamis pergi jumpa dia, hanto baju kurta
yang rentas di dada untuk repair.
Masa jumpa dia hari tu, dia khabo dia demam. Tapi bila gua
salam dengan dia, idak le panas terasa.
“Hj demam ke? Meh try salam dulu.”
“eh, idak panaih pun.. demam urat kot gamaknya”
“Ye la kot cikgu”
“badan haji rasa sakit2 ke? Sendi seme berasa sengal2 ke? Makan
tak lalu, kan.”
“Ya, betui tu cikgu”
“Saya dh pegi klinik dh hari tu, tu ubat dia. Kena rm100”
“Tu bukan ubat demam la haji”
“Itu ubat tahan sakit je. Nama pun painkiller. Kalau doctor cakap
tu ubat demam, doctor tu membohong je”
“oh iya ka cikgu, betui jugak, noo”
“Hahahaa betui la, apa yang tak betui nya”
“La ni haji rehat, minum air kosong lebih, mulut pahit tu
makan buah je la”
“nanti kalau esuk saya larat, saya jahit baju cikgu, ya”
“takpe haji, dh sihat esuk2 haji jahit la kt rentas tu. Haji
tampal kain hitam kt bahagian rentas tu, pastu haji jahit la bunga bentuk arrow
ka, bagi meriah sikit orang tenguk hahaa”
“ya, ya cikgu”
Okey la haji, nanti siap haji whatsapp la saya. Terimakasih hj
“ya, ya, sama2 cikgu.”
Itulah perbualan terakhir gua dengan hj amin, khamis petang
yang lepas. Pagi tu hj amin ada msg gua, dgn ucapan salam maal hijrah. Layan..
gu pun reply la balik, knnn
Masa gua dapat berita dia meninggal tu, gua otw nk nganto
arief balik asrama kt gopeng. Masa tu gua baru nk sampai sg galah. Adoyai. Petang
pas asar nk kebumi deme khabo. Masa tu jam 3.15. selesai nganto arief, gua pun
pederas la odisi. Ngam2 pkl lima sampai rmh. Gua pun solat n terus cargas pegi
kubur pasir pandak. Bila sampai je kt situ, org ramai tengah kerumun kt tgh2
kubur kt bawah khemah. Gua parking motor n terus lari2 kecil. Sesampai je gua
kt situ, ngam2 ada kaum buka kapan bahagian muka bagi peluang last tengok hj
amin. Kiranya rezeki gua la, beb. Alhamdulillah dapat la menatap hj amin untuk
kali yg terakhir.
Hj amin ni lembut orangnya, dan memang keje sebagai tukang
jahit je dari zaman dia belajo kt itm jalan Othman tahun 70an dulu. Dia pernah
la keje kt Jeddah zaman bujang dulu selama lapan tahun. kumpul duit, dia khabo hahaa. sempat la buat haji tiga kali, n umrah tak tau la banyak mana.
Gua seronok kawan dengan dia sebab dia lembut, cakap lemah
lembut, suka senyum dan tergelak, dan bila gua lepak dengan dia, mesti time dia
tgh jahit la biasanya sambil dengo radio klasik. Layan.. oh, lagi satu sebab
ialah dia dok sorang. Dia pernah kawin, anak enam orang pun, tapi la ni dh
cerai, lama dah, bekas isteri dok dengan anak2 berdekatan situ jugak. Hari2
anak2 dia akan datang jenguk dia kt rumah papan dia kt tepi tong sampah beso kt
batu lapan tuu
Hj amin ni asai orang
sg petani, tp sebab bekas isteri dia org sg tiram lekio, tu yg dia pun dok sini
sudahnya n habis rezeki kt sini jugak lah akhirnya pada umur 63 tahun.
Sebab dia meninggal? Musabab nya adalah asal demam tu, pastu
hari sabtu dia pengsan, elok sat, ahad lembik seme tubuh badan, hanto hospital
masuk ccu. Petang semalam meriah macam biasa je, kata anak dia. Pagi tadi siap
cal anak dia bgtau “abah nk makan biskut. Bawak mai, tau”. Tau2 je pkl
10setengah+- pagi tadi dah sampai janji dia. Peh! Mudah je zahirnya, knn
Berakhirlah riwayat hj amin, sahabat gua for the last ten
years or so. Semuga Allah memberkati n mengasihani sahabat gua ini. Gua akan
merindui saat2 gembira bersama dia pastinya. For now, let me drown in my sorrow
for a bit.
is something I really enjoy. I always read every now and then when I’m not so
tight with my schedule. Though sometimes I will make the effort in the midst of
my busyness to indulge myself in reading, since I find it relaxing, sort of an
escapism lah. And I am very sure that it helps me improve on my language, more
so that I am a language teacher.
At the moment I am reading the next person you meet in heaven, by Mitch Albom. Should have finished it two
days ago by right, but I put off reading it since I have other matters to
attend to. Another 30 pages +- to go je.. Lagi pun, if I finish that novel, I don’t
have any new novels to look forward to. so, man man la..
I read revival, continued with the da vinci code, and right now, as
stated earlier, the next person you meet
in heaven. All three books are different in nature: a suspense, a thriller,
and an emotional life story. Nevertheless, I do enjoy all three. Stephen King always deals with haunting
sort of story, and this revival is more or less leans towards that idea. Dan Brown’s da vinci code, just like all
his previous novels, is breathtaking. And Mitch Albom touches the soul like no
one else. His stories always relate to our emotions, something beyond the
ordinary stuff. The way he sees things, and tells them, is simply enlightening. his language is simple yet so profound. Oh, I have all his books btw. All eight novels. Just to let you know how much I
love his writings. The same goes for Dan Brown too.
that is it for now. Got to go. Till next time, be good, yeah!!
Masjid seksyen 14, atau masjid bulat. Kat PJ. Sape dok
area pj mesti tau punya lah.. begitulah jugak dengan medan selera berdekatan.
Last weekend gua balik pj @ rumah bak. Pastu hari ahad
pagi pas subuh cargas pegi cari breakfast dengan Hakam. Hakam cakap canteknya
cari kt medan selera seksyen 14 sebab situ ada aneka pilihan. Gua pun cakap jom
Memang betul la cakap hakam, macam2 diorang niaga:
nasi lemak, nasi berlauk, nasi dagang, lontong, roti canai, capati, telur
setengah masak, roti bako, kueh mueh seme ada. Memang rambang mata tengok, gua
cakap lu, beb! Terliur jeee..
Udahnya gua beli la lontong sebab hakam cakap sedap
(walaupun kalau dibandingkan dengan lontong yang gua beli dekat gerai kak pah @
sungei way lagi terangkat..) n nasi lemak untuk family dan tepung pelita dan apam untuk
masa zaman bebudak dulu, abang selalu bawak kitorang adek beradek makan ayam golek kt sini bila gaji. masa tu abang pun bujang lagi, dia layan la siblings dia..
Masa balik tu kitorang lalu kat masjid bulat. Terus kenangan
menusuk qalbu..
In another life, basically 40 years ago, masa gua
sekolah petang, hari jumaat je mesti pegi masjid ni sebab dekat dengan sekolah
gua, BBBSS. Kiranya senang la pas solat jumaat je terus masuk sekolah. Tapi cite
yang takleh dilupakan adalah hari jumaat je berebut budak2 sekolah gua nak pegi
masjid awal. Sebab?
Kitorang boleh amik job kutip sedeqah jumaat. Sape yang
bertugas kena bawak karung lalu depan saf, dan orang ramai akan masukkan
sedeqah diorang dalam karung tu. Bila selesai je solat, kitorang yang bertugas
tadi tu terus jumpa amil masjid untuk serahkan hasil kutipan. Kitorang tolong
kirakan sekali hasil kutipan hari tu, dan yang paling best dan yang dinanti2kan
adalah bila kitorang diberi upah. Dapat paling koman rm5 beb. Kena hari canteek
punya. Boleh dapat sepuluh hinggit. Tapi jarang2 la hahaa
Bila pegi sekolah pastu terasa seronok je. Mesti mewah
la belanja time rehat. Macam orang kaya-kaya je hahahahaa
Tu je la cite masjid bulat dalam kenangan.
Malam sebelum tu, kiranya malam minggu le, gua baru
sampai masa tu, pas maghrib pegi cari dinner kat food court 223. Pegi dengan
hakam jugak la sebab dia cakap nasi lemak kt sini terangkat. Dan memang benar
pun, nasi lemak siap balut daun pisang lagi @ rm1.60, terbaek gua cakap lu! Pekena
dengan ayam goreng lagi, pehhh.. masa kitorang sampai tu hujan renyai, dan gua
tenguk ramainya orang beratur, terutamanya tempat nk beli nasi lemak tu. Tapi hakam
cakap tu tak ramai sebab kalau ramai, mesti terkeluar dari food court tu kaum
beratur. Memang macam2 ada: satay, roti canai, otak-otak, goreng pisang cheese,
makanan siam, sup pelbagai rasa, burger dan tah apa2 lagi la.. gua beli nasi
lemak n ayam goreng n sup kambing. Memang sedap sekali. Maknanya? Next trip
kita repeat lagi lahhhhh hahaa
dulu, time gua budak2 dulu, time baru nak naik, umur 17, 18 tahun, selalu pegi tempat tu. Masa tu kitorang panggil maple. Datang mesti time midnite atau balik tenguk bola kt stadium merdeka. Bawak singgit cukup dah untuk canai atau nasi lemak n teh tarik. Masa tu la, kann. Sekarang mana nk dapat. Yela, cite dekat 40 tahun lepas tuu. Tua, beb!!
Bila balik pj je macam2 terkenang. Adusss!