Friday, July 1, 2016

gua hira' - my version

gua hira' is situated on jabal nur.

gua hira’ is not really a cave in the sense that there’s a gap @ hole in  a hill. it is actually a space between a few boulders where the most, can sit only two persons. but if you were to pray, then it is meant only for a person.

right at the end of the so called gua, there is a narrow passage, facing directly towards kaabah. and gua hira’ is about 4 km away from d kaabah. but nowdays you can’t see the kaabah because of the concrete jungle. nevertheless, because of the clock tower, u know that the kaabah is directly right in front of you though it’s far away.

i wonder how khadijah brought food for the prophet, or how did they manage to climb jabal nur because this hill is unlike the hills we find back home. this hill is sheer rocks and boulders. 

the prophet is truly the chosen one. 

I was there last December ’15. Alhamdulillah.

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