Saturday, November 29, 2014


In two days time, november 2014 will be over. Forgotten? Not necessarily so.. well, it has been one hectic month for me. Starting november, the form fours were in the midst of their final exam and the form fives had another week to go before they sat for the spm. I was running in full throttle and all cylinders in preparing the form fives before the exam began. The night before the english language paper, we even had an ‘eleventh hour session’, just to brush up on what they had studied, and to clarify on doubts playing in the students minds..

 That was life at school. My children too were having examinations except for lisa who sat for her upsr earlier and abil who finished his pt3 in october as well. Nia, arief and iliya were preparing hard. I made sure I spent quality hours with nia and arief, especially so arief, so that they would be able to do well later in the exam.
Back to school and spm. The english question paper was ok, from my point of view. Hopefully the students found it the same too. Anyway, I told them @ the students, once a paper is over, just let it be. Do not think about it anymore, pray hard and hope for the best. Barang yang lepas jangan di kenang, kan.. in between the examination weeks, I managed to spend time with some form two and three students playing soccer in the morning. We had two games per week. It was great to be playing soccer with the boys again after a long lapse. Then during the second week of november, I was busy marking form fours exam papers. Took me almost two weeks to finish marking. When it was over I felt so glad and relief. Lega, noo.. But I still had other things to settle before the school session was over. Finally, on the second last day, I was free. Free as a bird, gliding in the skies.
The previous day, a Wednesday, I attended the prize giving day at ACS where nia was chosen as the best student for year 1. It was a proud moment for her parents. She also received prizes for two subjects. Arief managed to maintain his position to be in the best class at least. That’s a consolation, to be frank. Phew!i was thankful he managed that.
arief nia lisa
Then when school was over, which was last Saturday, and running till today, all my time had been taken up. I have yet to sit at home doing nothing. It was either going to kebuns or attending to family’s affairs. Only now have I the space to share my thots.
kebun mandah
Monday took abil for his mrsm placement test, and while waiting, spent time in the pulau jua kebun. On Tuesday went to mandah kebun to provide manure for the trees. That same afternoon, went to bagan dato with everyone to fetch iliya after she had sat for her final paper. It was time for her to say goodbye after five years there. Otw home, stopped at kak minah’s. it was eleven when we finally reached home. The next day, went to acs again coz lisa was getting her upsr result. Alhamdulillah she got straight As. Thursday I had to go to KL hospital to visit nazam who had a stroke earlier that week. Travelled by ets, which actually helped me to save a bit, and to spend time on my own in the train. Was with nazam for three hours. He looked ok, but his right side is not functioning. Hoping it would be better soon. Couldn’t stand watching him lying helplessly.. hmm..
nazam's 1st day in gh
Yesterday I spent time in kebun kuala kangsar in the morning. By noon I was already home and took the boys for Friday prayer. And as usual Friday afternoon I would go out with missus to buy home stuffs.
Weekends for this holiday have been taken up by wedding invitations. all the weekends are fully booked.  And yes, we just came home from a kenduri earlier.  After this maybe I’ll get a nap before continuing on mowing the lawn which I started this morning.
So much for holiday, kan..


lisa's proud moment..

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