Sunday, April 24, 2022

Earth Day

Last Friday, the 22nd April, was Earth Day. It was a time set aside to celebrate the Earth, learn about the environment, and promote conservation.

I couldn’t help but to anticipate statements and remarks and advice from the royalties, dignitaries and politicians with regard to this matter. As it is, the global weather is getting worse with each passing day, and I don’t think I am alone who is alarmed with the current situation, especially so if we look back at the last two years flood happenings in our country which was the worst the country had experienced, the unpredictable weather: the extremely hot and dry weather as well as the heavy thunderstorm that would cause flash flood instantly, the uncontrolled deforestation in the name of ‘development’, and others worrying trend.

The climate change is playing havoc and causing flood of massive destruction in some countries, and extreme drought in other places.

Now should be the time our royalties and dignitaries and  politicians play a role to  promote an awareness to preserve and protect our health, our families, and our livelihoods, and especially so the future generation with regard to this climate change.

But to my dismay, not even one person, be it from the royal families or dignitaries or politicians who cared enough to utter something, to warn, to advise, to show concern with regard to the state of our nation’s situation.

I guess all they cared for was their business climate and political climate: where else can we make money, probably by cutting trees and selling off the timber, or perhaps mining a certain area where there is gold projected, simply put doesn’t matter what or where or how, as long as the goal of amassing wealth and enriching oneself is fulfilled.

As for the political people who are corrupted to the core, hanging on to the power is the main agenda. For those who crave for power, the opposition obviously, their aim is to look for loopholes and devise strategy on how to win the election and obtain power. In the end, doesn’t matter what the means are, as long as the agenda of winning and being in power is achieved.

I was hoping our leaders would take the opportunity to sit and plan on how to create a generation of citizens: workers, students, and leaders ready for climate change. We need public understanding of how to stop climate change and environmental harm. We need person or persons to look up to, ideas that are practical where all the masses can carry out and contribute, objective and target to achieve within a particular time frame  so that we as a nation, can help to repair and improve the environment and contribute to Mother Earth.

I was wrong previously and I am wrong again here for putting my hopes too high.

Well, what can you ever expect from a horde of selfish, self-serving, egocentric and narcissistic leaders?

Unless a miracle takes place, Malaysians are doomed.


Friday, April 22, 2022

Tuesday, April 19, 2022


semakin hari 

semakin menghampiri

17 ramadhan @ Nuzul al Quran

Allah (pemberi) cahaya (kepada) langit dan bumi. Perumpamaan cahaya-Nya, seperti sebuah lubang yang tidak tembus, yang di dalamnya ada pelita besar. Pelita itu di dalam tabung kaca (dan) tabung kaca itu bagaikan bintang yang berkilauan, yang dinyalakan dengan minyak dari pohon yang diberkahi, (yaitu) pohon zaitun yang tumbuh tidak di timur dan tidak pula di barat, yang minyaknya (saja) hampir-hampir menerangi, walaupun tidak disentuh api. Cahaya di atas cahaya (berlapis-lapis), Allah memberi petunjuk kepada cahaya-Nya bagi orang yang Dia kehendaki, dan Allah membuat perumpamaan-perumpamaan bagi manusia. Dan Allah Maha Mengetahui segala sesuatu.

An Nur 35

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Antara Dua Darjat

 Mantan PM Najib didapati bersalah  dan dikenakan hukuman penjara 12 tahun dan denda rm210 juta masih boleh diikat jamin dan boleh ke hulu ke hilir.

Kerani Sam Ke Ting didapati bersalah memandu cuai hingga menyebabkan kematian remaja basikal lajak dikenakan hukuman penjara 6 tahun dan denda rm6 ribu dinafikan hak untuk ikat jamin.

Petani kecil diusir dari kebun di Chepor, Perak walaupun telah mengusahakan tanah tersebut berpuluh tahun dan memohon pemilikan berkali-kali.

Kerajaan negeri dengan mudah menjual tanah tersebut pada pihak swasta tanpa mengambil kira situasi petani sekadar mendapatkan keuntungan atas angin.

Penjual ayam @ peniaga kecil di Terengganu dikenakan kompaun rm500 serta merta kerana menjual ayam melebihi daripada harga siling rm8.90.

Penternak ayam yang mengaut keuntungan besar tidak diambil tindakan.

Wanita dipenjara sehari dan didenda rm1200 kerana mencuri makanan di Malaysia tanahairku.

Di Amerika, wanita yang mencuri makanan, telah mendapat wang daripada orang ramai yang berada di mahkamah kerana YA Hakim mendapati masyarakat sekeliling langsung tidak memperdulikan nasib melarat wanita tersebut hingga menyebabkan dia mencuri maka masyarakat yang didapati bersalah dan patut dikenakan hukuman.

Di Pahang, pekebun durian telah diusir dari tanah yang telah diusahakan mereka selama berpuluh tahun dan pihak berkuasa tempatan datang dan menebang beratus pokok durian yang sedang berbuah lebat, lalu menanam pokok yang baru.

Tidakkah boleh diadakan win-win situation, bagi peluang petani tersebut mengutip hasil buat kali terakhir dan selepas itu tanah dan pokok durian yang ada di situ diambil oleh pihak kerajaan?

Balak ditebang sewenang2nya dan banjir besar berlaku hingga batang balak naik atas rumah rakyat pun masih lagi pihak kerajaan menafikan segala kebobrokan mereka.

Melayu menipu melayu. Melayu menipu rakyat.

Melayu menindas melayu. Melayu menindas rakyat.

Senang cite, bodohnya melayu kerana percaya pada melayu yang munafiq walaupun ditipu berkali2 selama berpuluh tahun.


Melayu Kite--


Bali Accommodation