Saturday, September 18, 2021

Gua bgtau Guala!

Sebagai jawapan ringkas kepada persoalan kaum @ anak murid gua tempuhari, maka inilah pandangan n nasihat gua -

Jangan terlalu banyak membaca dari sumber yang kesahihan nya tidak jelas baik dari cite vaksin ataupun akhir zaman dll kerana ia hanya mengganggu fikiran saja


Bagi pihak pro vaksin, diorg xde data klinikal yg boleh menunjukkan vaksin ni mujarab

Bagi pihak anti vaksin, mereka pula xde solusi yg jitu utk selesaikan masalah


Dari sudut keagamaan pulak, walaupun dipetik dari hadis dll, mereka bukan Tuhan yg Maha Tahu n Maha Menentukan segalanya


Oleh itu kesimpulannya, jalani hidup ini seperti biasa n buat baik seadanya dgn setiap makhluk Allah, baik manusia haiwan n tumbuhan


Apa perlu kita menyusahkan hati n fikiran dgn sesuatu yg tiada kepastian sedangkan kita berpegang dgn la haulawala quwata ila bila hil aliyil azim


Kekalkan hubungan kita dgn Allah, eratkan lg dgn amalan sunat seperti mengaji berzikir solat sunat n sentiasa bersedekah 


Sesungguhnya yg sedikit tetapi berkekalan itulah yg terbaek drpd yg banyak tetapi jarang2 sekali


Lantaran Allah itu Maha Mengetahui apa yg tersirat dlm hati para hamba Nya, maka sentiasalah bersangka baik selalu


InshaAllah kita pakat² doa agar dipermudahkn jalan utk kembali kpd Nya

Tanjung Kepah - Lekio


Thursday, September 16, 2021

d state of Muslims (in Malaysia)

*While in London, I went to visit, one of the exhibition entitled: "Introduction to Islam". This exhibition was attended by a Da'ee, who was already living there. He told us the following story

*A Scottish man came and wandered around the exhibition. He greeted me and we spoke for a while. I then asked him if there was anything he wanted to know about Islam.*

*He said: 'no, no thanks. I don't like the theory that we are used to hearing. You see, I have lived among you in several Arab 'Muslim' countries for many years, and I read a lot about Islam; I know a great deal about Islam!*


*So I asked him: "what do you know about Islam?"*


*He said: "Islam is a beautiful, fascinating religion that organises relationships with others, Muslim or non-muslim alike. Islam is a religion that teaches you how to worship your lord in a clear manner, how to treat your parents, your wife, your children, your neighbours, and the community in general, etc.* *UNFORTUNATELY your actions do the exact opposite of what you claim, because:*


*@you lie;*

*@you swear falsely;*

*@you steal;* 

*@you don't respect time;*

*@you slander each other;*

*@ you are chaotic, you don't like organisation;* 

*@ you belittle each other;*

*@ you are racist;*

*@ you wrongly take each others wealth;*

*@ you are not concerned with cleanliness;*

*@ you respect the rich and humiliate the poor;*

*@you are envious of each other;*

*@you take laws into your hands hiding under religion;*

*@you slander one another;*

*@you are good in concocting stories to slander whoever you hate and vice versa;*

*@ show me one of you here who will not rejoice at the travail of the other;*

*@majority of you don't even understand the religion you claim to belong;*

*@those you blindly follow in your sect you take them as next to God and those of other sects are seen as worse than satan;*

*@ the laws in your lands are applicable to some, but not to others!*


*Then he said: "oh I'm sorry, you look disturbed? "*


*I said to him: "take what is in the book, forget the conduct of the individuals".*


*He shook his head and said:*

*"You're wasting your time and money by running these exhibitions, for perhaps we know you better than you know yourselves!! When most of you don't go by the books, of what use are the books to me?*

*"Go back to your magnificent book (Holy Quran) implement the principles and manners contained therein, and when you perfect the implementation, you will find the nations entering your religion in droves, without the need for exhibitions like this. We are people who are more interested in visible results, in reality as opposed to what is read in a book."*

*I became dumb founded!!! A non Muslim has said it all in just a few words!!!*         



In my view, sadly, the above specifically points towards our beloved country Malaysia, with regard to many Muslims, though there are Muslims who remain steadfast to upholding the pillars of Islam. 


Monday, September 13, 2021



Kalau sudah Bermakrifat kepada Allah, 

Kita mau membahas apa tentang Allah?, bukankah Dia Laisa kamistlihi syai’un?.

Kita mau membayangkan apa tentang Allah?, bukankah Dia Laisa kamistlihi syai’un?.

Kita mau mengandaikan apa tentang Allah?, bukankah Dia Laisa kamistlihi syai’un?.


Kita mau berjalan kemana lagi untuk menemui Allah?. Apa kita mau berjalan ke langit?. Atau Apa kita mau berjalan ke dalam diri kita sendiri?.


Kita mau menjalankan apa lagi untuk bertemu dengan Allah?. Apakah kita mau menjalankan RUH untuk bertemu dengan Allah?

Bukankah kita sebenarnya tidak pernah terpisah dengan Allah?. Bukankah semua kita ini, semua ciptaan, dan seluruh peristiwa-peristiwa, sebenarnya adalah gambaran atau sifat-sifat yang melekat pada SEDIKIT dari DZAT Allah sendiri?. Masakan Dzat atau Diri Allah terpisah dengan Allah?


Gua n Heri

 once Upon a time. - nkc n hairey -

keunggulan Cinta

Friday, September 10, 2021

musim buah2an

Musim buah dah dekat penghujung nya. Tinggal cempedak n petai yang masih ada dijual di tepi2 jalan. Sekali sekala ada jugak durian sikit, buah penghujung kata deme.

Tahun ni musim buah memang sangat lumayan hasil nya. Sebabnya? Hampir semua tempat buah2an menjadi, n disebabkan covid, ramai penjual buah2an x dpat nk jual buah deme kt bandar2 besar. Maka buah2an yang berlambak tu, dijual dengan harga yang murah. Lebih baik murah drpd tak laku langsung, kann.

Kt rumah ni takde la buah2an apa sangat- ada rambutan, mata kucing, mempelam, kuini, nangka madu, pulasan n ciku. Tapi musim ni boleh dikira paling banyak makan durian. Mula2 tu beli jugak durian pada awal musim, tak kira la datang dari mana pun: Kuala Kangsar, Kg Gajah, Bt Gajah, Bota, Lambor, Manong, Gerik, Lenggong. Mula tu deme jual rm7 sekilo. Sudahnya bila buah tengah banyak giler, durian jatuh rm3 sekilo je. Macam2 durian dapat try, kiranya memang puas sangat la makan. Tapi dalam banyak2 durian, durian yang anak sedara bagi dari Lambor n dari seorang kawan lama yang ada kebun durian di Manong memang tak leh lawan gua cakap lu. Memang cukup kuning, manis pahit lembut tebal. Kiranya semua segi cukup lah. Puashati makan nya Alhamdulillah.

Celah2 tu bila mana ingat dh puas dh makan durian, mak angkat yang dok kt gerik n kaum yang dok kt limau kasturi pulak hanto buah2an. Adoyai, memang rezeki melimpah ruah gua cakap lu tahun ni.

Tapi kini itu semua sudah tinggal kenangan je hahaa

Tinggal petai yang beratus keping hari tu dh jadi petai jeruk sebahagiannya. oh, dan ada la jugak tempoyak piau punya sebotol dua. 

Kt sini gua belanja sekeping gambo buah2an yang mak angkat n kaum limau bagi.




Thursday, September 9, 2021


 Mok @ Momok @ Gemok, died sometime last week. 

He was down with FIV, which has no cure. We tried our best, sending him to d vet every week without fail after he was diagnosed with d illness. 

But God loves him more, so they say.

After asar on that particular day, he meow as if calling us. We found him lying on d floor n was having difficulty breathing. And five minutes after that, he passed on, leaving us with memories of happier moments. 

D video above is one of his favorite daily routines : having a drink from d overflowing water of d lotus plants. Mok would wait patiently for me to finish watering all d plants before filling up d lotus plants huge pot, n once d water started to drip out, he would drink it. How i missed him.doing that these last few days. 

Mok was given to us more than two years ago, along with his sister Vivi. 

Mok would always be by our side wherever we were, be it at d family room, at our garden, beside d congregate performing d prayer, n at nite he would sleep in our room. 

Other than drinking from d lotus plants pot, he also loved to drink from d tap, n also using his paw to dip it into d water n to lick it dry. 

We will surely miss. U, Mok 💜


Bali Accommodation