Wednesday, March 9, 2011

hampir2 @ near miss


cuti raya cina hari tu gua balik pj dengan family.
as usual, we left after asar, but this time because of the few stops we made along the way, we got to the plus highway around maghrib..
everything was as usual, but somewhere between slim river and behrang, while i was cruising at 12okmh, chatting with my missus, suddenly in front of me, about 150 metres away, i saw sparks flying. something had crashed onto the road! it was about a quarter after eight, and except for what my car's headlights shone and red lights at the end of vehicles in front of me, nothing else was visible. the flying sparks really shook me up, and by time i got near to what caused the sparks, i had no idea what to expect and i could only pray for the best.
right in front were two objects, separated 5 metres from each other, and a sudden jolt of the steering, managed to squeeze the odyssey between the objects. phew! i was shaken by then, and i thanked God for protecting me and my family from any mishaps. later my wife told me she was sure that it was a motorcycle and the rider on the road. i wasn't sure at all because i only wanted to get pass the objects without hitting them.
two days later, i read in the newspaper about a motorcyclist found mangled, mauled, torn to pieces and unrecognizable along the plus highway. masyaAllah.
when i recall about the incident, i remember a saying in the Quran; tiadalah kamu (wahai Muhammad) yang melontar, melainkan Kami yang melontar. i can't remember which verse exactly, but i know it sounds something like that. what i wish to relate here is, when i maneuvered my car through the bike and the biker, it wasn't me actually. it was Him who did it. Honestly, i couldn't see a thing until the last second, and by that time, it was too late, but somehow, i managed to get through the mess unscathed. Ya Allah, how thankful i am towards You.

the moral of the story: cling on to Him, whenever, wherever, and forever.

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