Monday, October 20, 2008

d beginning....

salam to everyone.
finally, my own blog. been wanting to have one for quite a while. any specific reasons, you may ask, right..? well, one of them is to keep up with d joneses and not to be lagging behind in this borderless world of communication and technology. Another reason is, it has got to do with self-satisfaction: it shall be a medium for me to spill my gut, share my thots, pose questions, ponder over things, etc, etc... Anything, everything, or it could be pure nothing. life is such that it depends on how one perceives it. thus, to me, life can be everything, and as a matter of fact, nothing. Why do i say so? it has got to do with how you look at it la.. if you are one with the One, then actually there's nothing in life except d only One. But it still can be looked upon as everything coz everything and nothing run together, intertwined, synchronised, bla, bla, bla.. do you follow? my final words for now: "never fear of what will come to you in this world. nothing will come but God's will..." so, layan je la, kan. ciao!

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