Wednesday, December 30, 2015

layan.. buku ni, beb!

Image result for terima kasih si babi hutan

awal agama mengenal Allah

tidak sah solat tanpa mengenal Allah

tidak sah solat jika tidak hadir hatinya

jiwa qalbu orang mukmin adalah istana Allah

pada dirimu, mengapa tidak kamu lihat

barang siapa mengenal dirinya maka dia mengenal Allah

gua beli buku ni oktober, kelmarin pagi baru gua baca, petang khatam dh..
punya la syur..

Saturday, December 26, 2015

school holiday... till today

The school holiday is about to come to an end, and as usual I never get enough of it. Well, that’s the way I feel. Every year.. ahaks.

at d wedding
This holiday, the last day of school actually, we go back to pj coz the next day we intend to attend a wedding in bangi. Ibi and dora daughter, amira’s wedding. It turns out to be a grand occasion, what with the posh and spacious banquet hall, mingling with relatives in between nasi minyak, bubur kacang, cakes and drinks. Worth going, to be frank.

Then on the way home to pj, we get into UM, the place where my wife studied back then. Revisited would be the best word because we stop at her hostel, to let her soaks in the atmosphere, take pics, stop at  DTC before leaving. Nostalgic moments.

at aeon watching goosebump
The next day, after breakfast with bak and mak, we leave for home sweet home as my wife has to  be at school on Monday. On Thursday, the children watch ‘Goosebump’. They enjoy it very much.
In between I paint mural at school. Still yet to finish. Entitled ‘tree & bird’.

majestic gunung lang
The following weekend, we head to Ipoh famous pasar karat. Our first time there and it is an enjoyable place for those who prefer antiques, rare items and the good old days. There is even a medicine man who uses snakes to pull in the crowd. It’s the first time for the children to see such an occasion. At 12, we go to Gunung Lang.  It turns out to be a peaceful place, especially so for picnickers, with the lake and limestone hills around, except that we do not have our picnic basket with us. : )

For lunch we stop at KFC Gopeng. The children eat to their heart’s content. Then we go to Kellie’s Castle. After many, many times driving past it, this is everyone’s first time. From the outside, it looks huge but once you are inside, it is bigger than anticipated. I wonder what really happened back then with regard to the story behind the castle. We stop for prayer at Bt Gajah Masjidil Aqsa replica mosque.

d medicine man with his snakes
On Wednesday the 2nd of December, which happens to be my birthday, my wife and I leave home and the children to perform the umrah. It is the best birthday present ever. Can it get any better? Not now, for sure. Well, this will be another story in another posting, okay. For now, we concentrate on the school holidays je.. the children stay at home and tend to themselves, with the help of Dewi, our maid., as well as Pak Teh and Mak Teh who live just nearby.
abil in front of kellie's castle

bak n mak xxx
When we get home after being away for 15 days, that Saturday we go back to pj to visit my parents. But not before going to dengkil Uitm to meet Kak Long @ Iliya who has registered for her second semester about a week earlier. It’s nice to see her again. Stay at pj for a night, manage to meet Al, abg n kak ezza, ajib and kak as, other than my parents la, of course..

And now we are home again, enjoying the final weeks of the holiday to the fullest. The children get online everyday, watch tv, eat, have fun, enjoy each other company, which to me is a total pleasure. Let them have the time for soon, they will be away at boarding schools and colleges. Only nia will be at home with us next year. Sigh.

As for me, school starts next Monday coz there’ll be meetings to attend.
So? Layankan saje..

Friday, December 25, 2015

happy birthday, adek !!

 nk luv u !!!


Thursday, December 24, 2015

ya Habibullah !

Salam alaika ya Rasulullah 

12 rabiulawal 1437

Di Rumah Tuhan

Di Rumah Tuhan
Bertawaf tujuh pusingan
Hilang kenang-kenangan
Kosong segala ingatan

Di Rumah Tuhan
Bermunajat berzikir berdoa
Airmata bercucuran
Sedar nasib badan

Di Rumah Tuhan
Sampai kini impian
Safa Marwah
Maqam Ibrahim Hijr Ismail
Juga Babusalam
Menjadi kenyataan
Mimpi yang diidamkan


Tuesday, December 22, 2015

hi !!

assalamualaikum wbh

Thursday, November 26, 2015

tree n bird

tree n bird - i

tree n bird - ii

tree n bird - iii
mural gua, koleksi tree n bird.
tiga dah siap dalam tempuh 4 hari.. layan..

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

mudim desa

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Fitnah Dajjal Edisi Baru

Image result for new world order

Benarkah dengan hanya percaya Al Quran/hadis (tanpa mengkaji), rajin baca surah Al Kahfi,(sekadar membaca tanpa usaha) sudah menyelamatkan kita dari fitnah dajjal, tanpa kita mengkaji dan memahami konspirasi Illuminati-Freemason?

Ramai golongan yg berfikiran begitu sebagai alasan tidak mahu mengambil tahu, sedangkan kisah sejarah Freemason ada dalam Al Quran dan hadis.

Hadis mempunyai banyak maksud tersirat, dan kerana itu Allah menyuruh umat Islam mengkaji.

Ramai yang dengan sombongnya berkata, ”Aku tak perlu ambil tahu tentang Illuminati-Freemason, aku berpegang pada Quran je aku tak akan terpesong…”

Tetapi yang peliknya, mereka adalah golongan yang:

Percaya MH370 jatuh di Laut Hindi
Percaya pada Saipul Bukhari
Percaya iklan tv,suka minum Coke,Nescafe,Maggi
Percaya video lucah mainan politik
Percaya video sumpah dpn kaabah
Percaya pada panadol/ubat2 lluminati
Percaya pada media prima yang dikawal Freemason
Percaya Bank Islam bukan riba
Percaya kubah emas ialah Masjid Al Aqsa
Percaya vaksin adalah selamat
Percaya logo pada wang kertas adalah kijang
Percaya bangunan2 Lodge Freemason adalah dewan rakyat
Percaya simbol \m/ adalah simbol rock
Percaya simbol ”peace” adalah keamanan
Percaya fluorida amat penting dan selamat
Percaya GST amat bagus utk ekonomi negara
Percaya Bank Negara Malaysia milik malaysia
Percaya malaysia benar2 sudah merdeka dan tidak dikawal Freemason
Percaya talibarut British (Freemason) adalah pejuang kemerdekaan
Percaya konspirasi Freemason-Illuminati adalah karut
Percaya pada sejarah dunia yang diputarbelit Freemason
Percaya makan organ dalaman elok utk tambah darah
Percaya kopi,kambing dan makanan2 sunnah yg lain tak elok
Percaya susu soya dipasaran adalah berkhasiat
Percaya elok makan buah selepas makan
Percaya susu formula untuk bayi
Percaya tentera Ukraine tidak sengaja tembak MH17
Percaya yoga amat baik untuk kesihatan
Percaya khasiat Power Root
Percaya Muzium 3D Shah Alam & Penang tiada unsur satanic ritual
Percaya kismis Ligo berkhasiat
Percaya UFO adalah Alien
Percaya Candi Borobudur milik Buddha
Percaya Kemoterapi
Percaya vaksin
Percaya sistem Demokrasi
Percaya perubatan psikiatri dan psikologi moden
Percaya Perlembagaan Malaysia bukan ditulis oleh British (Freemason)
Percaya TGNA ulama sesat, seperti yg dicanang media prima
Percaya Obama tiada misi rahsia ketika melawat Malaysia
Percaya 9/11 angkara Osama Bin Laden
Percaya media prima seperti Utusan Malaysia, Buletin Utama amat telus
Percaya fakta dalam buku teks sekolah
Percaya sumpah laknat depat kaabah itu cara Islam
Percaya manusia tidak mampu mencipta bencana alam (HAARP)
Percaya susu Anlene menguatkan tulang
Percaya Iran adalah musuh Israel
Percaya China musuh Amerika
Percaya Mahmud Abbas, Yasser Arafat pemimpin Islam.
Percaya Australia & Amerika membantu Malaysia mencari MH370
Percaya dan kagum dgn Hitler
Percaya Neil Armstrong sudah sampai ke bulan
Percaya cukai tidak haram dalam Islam
Percaya Muammar Gaddafi pemimpin zalim
Percaya pada lakonan kerajaan Arab Saudi (Ibn Saud)
…………..dan beratus-ratus lagi kepercayaan sesat mereka!!!

Ibaratnya, berdoa nak lulus peperiksaan, tapi tidak mahu mengulangkaji. Berdoa nak masuk syurga, tapi tak mahu beramal.

“Hai orang-orang yang beriman, jika datang kepadamu orang fasik membawa suatu berita, maka periksalah dengan teliti agar kamu tidak menimpakan suatu musibah kepada suatu kaum tanpa mengetahui keadaannya yang menyebabkan kamu menyesal atas perbuatanmu itu.” – Qur’an surah Al-Hujuraat (49) : 6 

Monday, November 23, 2015



Pizza After Sex?

Friday, November 20, 2015

to my students

Happy holiday !!

Monday, November 16, 2015

hakikat tujuh lapis bumi dan tujuh lapis langit

Tujuh Lapis Bumi ini adalah simbol dari 7 Indrawi Jasad kita yaitu 2 Telinga, 2 mata, 2 lubang hidung, 1 Mulut. dan kepala kita sebagai Pasak 7 inderawi, sebagaimana Gunung menjadi Pasak 7 lapis bumi.

 Tujuh Lapis Langit ini mensimbolkan 7 sifat yang berada diatas 7 inderawi kita, yaitu 2 Pendengaran, 2 Penglihatan, 2 Penciuman, 1 Pembicaraan.

Pohon Sidrotul Muntaha ini adalah simbol akal fikiran kita, yang seperti Pohon sidrotul Muntaha yang banyak Cabangnya ketika kita berfikir.

Kursy, Tahta Tuhan ini adalah simbol Hati kita.
Sebagaimana Al Hadits Qudsi berkata; langit dan bumi tidak bisa memuat Aku, yang bisa memuat Aku adalah Hati yang beriman. Maka dari itulah hanya Hati yang dapat melihat Cahaya Tuhan.


jalan Ma'rifatullah

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Sunday, November 8, 2015

ikrar perokok semi tegar

cilaka betul la.. hari tu gua nak pergi keroje, singgah la kt petrol pump caltex nak beli dunhill. 
dengan tenang je gua cakap kt cashier tu, " dunhill sekotak." cashier tu jawab, "rokok dh naik harga bang." 
"takpe, no hal, boleh beli punya. " gua dengan confident je jawab balik. pastu gua pun tanya le, " berapa harga nya?" "rm17" haaa!! terperanjat pakcik dibuatnya. aduss..

terus gua pun angkat tangan kanan, siap berdiri tegak dan berikrar kat situ jugak, "sesungguhnya saya berikrar tidak lagi membeli dunhill." terkedu budak cashier tu tenguk gua. mesti dia syahdu la, rasa gua.

memang cilaka betul la.. sekali naik, terus sederap.. melampau-lampau la pulak diorang ni..
tapi setelah gua kenang2kan, memang bagus bebeno le.. boleh menolong gua slow2 berhenti merokok, kan. 

 gua pun cargas pergi keroje dengan berbekalkan balance rokok yang ada. balik tu terus gua beli daun rokok dan tembakau cap kapal terbang. baru dua ringgit. mau tahan seminggu ni. ahaks.. pakcik kayo!
Image result for daun rokok dan tembakau

Friday, November 6, 2015



Setiap yang berlaku.. ada hikmahNya. Setiap yang sedih.. pasti ada gembiranya. Setiap yang duka.. pasti ada sukanya. Setiap yang biasa.. pasti ada luar biasanya. Yakin dgn Allah SWT.. itu lumrah kehidupan. ☺

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

dan kerinduan itu

Dan kerinduan itu
Bukan paksaan 
Ia datang dan pergi
Semahu hati

Dan kerinduan itu
Adalah cerminan
Kasih dan sayang       
Yang tak akan hilang         

Dan kerinduan itu
Bertaut di sanubari
Di bawa ke mati
Kekal abadi
Image result for kerinduan

Monday, November 2, 2015

to do, or not to do...

to do, or not to do...

it is the first day of spm. the students shiver just thinking about it. that's normal. first day fright.
many of the teachers are away invigilating the spm at other schools. the leftover teachers are asked to oversee the school's exam which starts today. i am not spared. the second period appears and i have to be at 4 melati. after it's over, i get back to my room. on the screen of my phone, the miscall and message icons appear. i check the number. it is unfamiliar. the message comes from the same number. it is janah, ridhuan's daughter.
" sir. ni janah. anak cikgu ridhuan. abah da meninggal "
i am taken aback with the news. i regret for not visiting him before.
ridhuan, my old friend.10 years my senior. my kaum lepak @ jammin'. seribu kali sayang and kisah seorang biduan were the songs he would sing then when he was teaching at my school. he had a good voice. he had a temper like no one else. finally, he succumbed to the complication initiated by his diabetes.
i call everyone that i can. and i drive to cenderong balai with major rahman to give him our final respect. we arrive in the nick of time, minutes before the congregates take him away to the mosque for the final rites.his face looks so calm, as if he is in a deep slumber, which he is in actually.
after the prayer, i make my move to go home since i have to worry about the form five students, who expect me to have a session with them later. by 4 pm, i am typing away the eleventh hour session notes, hoping that they will do the students some good for tomorrow's english language exam.
maghrib, i am at school again. about 70+- students turn up. we perform maghrib prayer together and have a session lasting for an hour. in between the session, i share anecdotes and jokes to liven up the moment. though initially i feel a bit reluctant to come,  i thank God for giving me the spirit to be there and to share pointers which may be beneficial  for the students.
by half past nine, i am back home.
thankful that i do what i should do: giving ridhuan the final respect and having a session with the form fives. alhamdulillah.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Friday, October 30, 2015

sebentar saja lagi

Tak pernah rasa sebahgia ini
Redup di hati wajah berseri

Segala cita menjadi nyata
Segala dicita menjadi jua

Tak pernah rasa sedekat ini
Makin menyinta makin rindui

Semakin hati sujud
Semakin kasih wujud

Aku datang
Ya Rabbi
Aku akan datang

Sebentar lagi
Aku tiba
Membawa cinta


just another day (in paradise..)

It was the last week of October.

It was the last week for the form five before their spm the following week.

It was the last week for me to teach this year.

That Tuesday, I spoke to few form three students about playing football the next day, eleven a side. As promised, the form three boys came, 21 were ready to play, and including me, it was a game of eleven a side. Since the race I ran earlier this month in bidor, I had not taken part in any sports activity, except going to the kebun occasionally for a sweat. So, just imagine, a game of about forty minutes, really took me to another level. The sensation felt, after not being able to play football competitively for many months, was superb. Though everyone was not really fit, we thoroughly enjoyed the game. Considering that the form threes just finished their pt3, it was fun for them too.

After the game was over, which my team won handsomely 6-0, with yours truly manning the midfield, had a quick shower, and then grabbed some tubs of ice-cream to be savored with 5mwr. It was just as I had planned weeks ago. It was the last time for me to have a class with 5mwr students, whom I truly adored. We had ice-cream and a lot of fun. No lesson at all. Peh!!

gua la!!
After that, about 14 of them boys and girls: asyraf, nazrul, Darren, luqman, farhana, rafidah, syaza, aliffah, nani,ku, aisyah, nabil, farhan and andy were in my room for a jamming session. It was such a tremendous feeling being able to spend time with them. I played the guitar and sang songs for almost 45 minutes. They sang along, and danced now and then, just for the fun of it, so that it would be a moment to remember.

After they left, I was still feeling high with the joy of having such a day as that day.
And the bliss stuck in me throughout the day and night.

How I wish to live it all over again..

Thursday, October 22, 2015

cuti jerebu

Semalam cuti sebab jerebu. Tak payah le ke sekolah. Gua pun cargas meracun keliling rumah.. dua tiga jam jugak le cargas..

Hari ni pun cuti lagi sebab jerebu. Hari ni gua bersihkan longkang pulak, sambil2 makan pelam telur yang sedang mranum dengan begitu banyak sekali.. tapi musim kali ni punya hasil, ada makhluk menumpang kt dalam buah. Nasib2 le. Yang takde ulat, sedap aje, sebab gua pun memang berahi makan pelam telur ni..

Esuk pun cuti lagi kisahnya. Kalau ikutkan, memang banyak lagi keroje kt sekolah tu: siapkan kertas exam form four, ngajo last kopek form five sebelum spm mula 2 november nanti. Tapi dh deme suruh cuti, teman cuti le, yop.. ahaks..


Bali Accommodation