Friday, August 31, 2012

nak makan sandwich..

Hari tu kt sekolah gua terasa nak makan sandwich, tapi malas nak ke kantin.. gua pun keluar dari bilik @ markas gua, perhati2kan sekitar cari budak lalu lalang, nak mintak tolong belikan le..

Usha punya usha, lalu la kaum 3 , 4 orang budak2 form 1. Gua pun panggil la diorang..

Gua: bang! Tolong belikan saya sandwich, boleh tak?

Student: boleh, sir. Nak beli berapa?

(Sambil hulurkan duit..)

Gua: beli singgit, dapat dua, kan..

Student: ok, sir..

Gua: nanti hanto ke bilik, k. saya tunggu..

Student: ok, sir..

(Sambil berjalan budak2 tu tanya gua pulak..)

Student: sir, kalau sandwich takde, macam mana?

Gua: ada punya la..

Student: tapi kalau takde?

Gua: kalau takde hang suruh makcik kantin pegi kedai beli

roti, sardine, planta, timun, cili sikit, pastu suruh dia

buat sebantal roti tu jadi sandwich, pastu suruh dia sedekah je

sandwich tu semuanya, buat keje amal, khabo kt dia..

Ha! Amacam? Jelas isunya?

(Budak2 tu blur, terpinga2, dan terus bla pegi kantin.. tak lama sampai sandwich gua.)

Gua: ha! Ada tak sandwich?

Student: ada, sir.

Gua: terimakasih banyak2 atas kerjasama saudara semua. Semuga diberkati Tuhan.

Student: sama2, sir. (…dan terus bla..)

Saje la cite kt lu orang..

sandwiches by Mo Westein 1

biarlah sgala pergi berlalu

Kalau pilu datang bertamu

Sedih pedih menusuk qalbu

Prasaan berantakan dihiris sembilu

Biarkan saja ia berlalu

Kerna tiada la ia

Hanya palsu

Kalau gembira menyapa dada

Mengusap ria seronok terasa

Biarkan saja ia berlalu

Kerna tiada la ia

Hanya lagho

Yang penting dituju

Agar syukur dan tenang selalu

Adalah bersama yang Satu

Maka biarlah sgala pergi berlalu


Thursday, August 30, 2012


apa keputusan hati,
itulah keputusan Tuhan jua..


now, that's what i call a real merdeka..


Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Sunday, August 26, 2012

raya seminggu

Jumaat 17hb

Petang pkl 3 cargas otw balik pj rumah bak n mak.

Packing baju budget tiga malam punya stok.. kereta banyak atas jalan, beb.. maklum je la, nk raya, kan.. tapi bila sampai pj, pukul 535 masa tu, memang heaven la, gua cakap lu.. kereta ada, tapi tak banyak, n tiba2 menyebabkan gua terlebih seronok pulak balik pj kali ni..

malam terawih dengan mak, bak, al, ida n anak2, adek n anak2.. janji ditepati dengan mak..

Sabtu 18hb

Last day pose.. bermalas2an je kt rumah.. petang sikit pegi giant mall dengan family. Window shopping je.. buka pose hari ni ada abang n anak2, ida n fmly, al n anak2.. meriah! Sebab almost everyone was here..malam takbir ramai2..

Ahad 19hb

Raya 1433. Pagi2 lg pukul 7 dh makan nasi Bukhara, leftover semalam.. got ready, n jln kaki ke masjid bersama abil n arief.. the whole day was filled with joy n laughter, n food of course. Ketupat nasi n pulut, nasi empet, nasi minyak were the main dishes. Siap dengan rendang, ayam masak merah, dalca, sambal tumis ikan bilis n kacang, peh! Banyaknya..Time of merriment.

Semua ada except ajib n family yg balik Melaka dulu.. sampai ke malam pkl 10 ada org dtg lagi. Letih! Tp layan..

Isnin 21hb

Pagi ni lontong! Memang special klu mak yg buat @ resipi.. tengahari, 1235, gerak balik. Stop kt rumah akak kt kkb. Lunch sana.. ptg sikit gerak balik. Sampai rumah kt maghrib. Alhamdulillah. Malam goreng telur dadar je buat lauk dinner..

Selasa 22hb

Pas dh siap seme org, pegi beraya kt rumah abg mat. Ada soto, gua ckp lu, pagi2 ni..pastu singgah rumah kak enon pulak. Lon buat pecal. Terbaek! Pkl 2, fuad n fmly, ina n fmly dtg beraya. Petang mawi n fmly, halil n fmly dtg pulak.. pegi kg gjh dgn mawi, tunjuk kebun swt 5 ekar kt dia.. malam pas gorib, dewi pulak dtg dgn hubby nya.. malam tu I got to know that I was not welcomed at akak’s house the previous day, just because I wanted to promote my health drink...iyekan saje..

Rabu 22hb

Pagi2 lg dh cargas ke jawang, kuala kangsar. Membaja kt kebun, beb.. sambil mmbaja sambil mengemas pelepah.. so good to be there again. pukul 2 baru siap, pukul 4 baru sampai rumah.. malam terkulai keletihan.. layan..

Khamis 23hb

Breakfast kt nasi beriani manjung pagi ni.. ok jugak.. pastu cargas buang sampah, pegi kebun kelapa kg sg tiram, beli baja untuk esuk, ke manjung beli barang2 untuk iliya n abil. Diorang nk balik asrama sabtu nanti, kan.. pastu lepak dgn joi sambil2 menge’teh’. Kt rumah, anak2 murid missus dr pagi sampai ptg tak henti2 sampai.. Malam bawak bertenang.

Jumaat 24hb

Pagi ni pegi kebun kg gajah pulak.. missus ikut jgk.. membaja F4 100 pokok, urea 320 pokok. Repair pintu pagar jap, tengahari cargas! Pas mgrb raya rumah kak pau,

pastu pegi beli oblong burger sambil bawak abil n arief gunting rambut..

Sabtu 25hb

Pagi ni pegi pekan sabtu. Tak ramai lg orang niaga n datang.. tengahari ada kenduri kawin. Ptg bwk bertenang kt rumah dgn fmly.. malam pun gitu je, n mlm ni dh tak berapa sronok sebab lusa nk sekolah dh.. baru nk cuti.. : (

Sabo je la..

Saturday, August 25, 2012


solat itu adalah isra' dan mikraj.
solat adalah pengembaraan yang
membawa kepada kebenaran.

hati adalah tempat Dia bersemayam.
cahaya di atas cahaya.
Dia membimbing ke jalan Nya.

أشهد أن لآ إله إلا الله وأشهد أن محمد رسول الله

Kerana yang dikasihi

hati saya gembira,

jiwa saya diterangi.

Dari kehijauan tercinta

beratus-ratus sungai diberkati

mengalir ke taman mawar.

Dalam usaha untuk memasuki taman mawar,

jiwa berdamai dengan duri.

Memilih cinta. Memilih cinta.

Tanpa cinta yang indah ini,

kehidupan hanyalah beban..

- Rumi

Thursday, August 23, 2012

where is God?

God is everywhere around us,

if we pause long enough to feel Him.

kata si peoih

Kalau aku salah kt engkau

Aku mintak maaf.

Kalau engkau salah kt aku

Aku maafkan.

Life goes on….

After contemplating how to respond

To what my nieces said n d comments that


Wednesday, August 22, 2012

saat yang paling indah

*Kita semua mesti sedar dan mampu

Ketepikan kesedihan, kemarahan dan

Kekecewaan dalam hidup kerana

Saat yang memilukan itu juga adalah

Saat yang paling indah.

Adaptasi drpd Desperate Housewives

*initial respond to what my nieces said..

Every moment in life is a chance for a new beginning by Michelle W Cole

Tuesday, August 14, 2012



dalam terang lagi di pandang

bila gelap semakin terang

hati tenang tau seorang

tersenyum terbayang terkenang-kenang..

peduli segala alam tiada

tipuan godaan berkala-kala

hanya kematian kad jemputan

tinggal belaka yang melaghokan..

mengadap tuan jadi dambaan

agar hilang segala keruan

sampai janji bertemu nanti

idaman hati kekasih abadi..


apakah mesti Allah nama Nya?

Di Indonesia, masyarakat di sana menyebut Tuhan itu Gusti Alah. Allah disebut Alah, dan tidak menjadi satu kekalutan. Mereka mengerti bahwa Alah adalah Allah.

Nama Tuhan itu sebenarnya hanya buatan manusia, disebut sesuai dengan bahasa orang yang menyebut Nya. Kata “Tuhan” sendiri bermaksud Tuan. Dalam bahasa Inggeris Tuhan adalah Lord. Tuhan bukanlah orang yang perlu diidentifikasikan. Aslinya, Tuhan itu tak punya nama. Untuk apa nama kalau Dia itu Cuma satu dan paling nyata.

Nama Allah telah lama digunakan di jazirah Arabia sebelum kedatangan Islam. Bahkan ayahanda Rasulullah saw sendiri bernama Abdullah, yang bermaksud hamba Allah. Wahyu Alquran di awal turunnya juga tidak menyebut Allah. Sekadar disebut “Rabb”.

Tuhan sendiri meminta dipanggil apa saja, asal nama terbaik Nya. Di dalam surah Al A’raf dinyatakan, “Dan Tuhan mempunyai nama-nama yang baik (asma-u l-husna) maka mohonlah kepada Nya dengan nama-nama baik Nya.”

Allah sebaiknya dipanggil dengan bahasa kita sendiri, yang meresap dalam hati. Bagi orang Jawa, memohon pada Tuhan dengan ‘duh Gusti’ jelas lebih baik dan meresap dalam hati daripada ungkapan ‘ya Tuhan’ maupun ‘ya Allah’. Mengapa? Kerana ungkapan itu lahir dari batin yang terdalam yang sejak kecil telah melekat di dalam jiwanya.

Islam harus disebar dengan damai. Bukan dengan cara menakut-nakutkan, atau menggunakan kekerasan. Islam adalah kelembutan. Islam adalah agama yang menarik.

La ikraha fi al-din. Tiada paksaan dalam beragama.

Achmad Chodjim


We are jumble sailors

on the rough sea of life

Sunday, August 12, 2012

learn english, this is why!

This is a true story from the Japanese Embassy in US!

A few days ago, Prime Minister Mori was given some Basic English conversation
training before he visits Washington and meets president Barack Obama...

The instructor told Mori Prime Minister, "When you shake hand with President
Obama, please say 'How are you?'. Then Mr. Obama should say, 'I am fine, and
you?' Now, you should say 'Me too'. Afterward we, translators, will do the work
for you."

It looks quite simple, but the truth is...

When Mori met Obama , he mistakenly said 'Who are you?' (Instead of 'How are

Mr. Obama was a bit shocked but still managed to react with humor: 'Well, I'm
Michelle's husband, ha-ha...'

Then Mori replied 'Me too, ha-ha...'

Then there was a long silence in the meeting room.

Friday, August 10, 2012


Ada ‘diri’ di balik jasad dan nafas. Itulah realitas hidup. Dialah Zat yang sejiwa dan menyukma dalam Tuhan. Dia yang senantiasa bersama diri Mahasuci. Dia adalah Zat Maulana dan Yang Nyata. Dia tidak dapat dipikirkan dan tidak dapat pula dibayangkan. Dia pangkal mula segala pengetahuan. Di dalam raga manusia Dia tiada tampak, dan menguasai segala yang terjadi.




Thursday, August 9, 2012

janji untuk siapa?

Janji Untuk Siapa?


Tika bintang berjuta

Bercanda di angkasa memadu asmara

Dimanakah kau berada

Hilang tah ke mana?


Kala Qais derita

Menahan panahan racun berbisa

Apakah kau alpa

Membatu seribu kata?


Andai kau temui bahgia

Tika Qais menyonsong luka

Adakah kau kan turut sama

Menyelami derita cinta?


Jika tiada lagi kasih untuk selama

Sedarilah nanti

Qais pergi tiada kembali

Dan berkuburlah janji..

Laila visits Majnun in a palm grove by Asian Curator at The San Diego Museum of Art

-Qais majnunkan Laila-

Pas gorib td..

picture review:

Leyla, now married to another, was able to slip away from home to visit her true beloved, Qais. Leyla sits ten steps away, for she worries that if she comes any closer she might be consumed by fire, since she already is aflame like a candle. At least from this distance she can see him and hear him recite his love lyrics. Only God knows.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012



Empty inside
I feel empty inside
The heart is a vacuum
And there's nothing inside.

Once there was all
And then there was none.

-jasminhassan- august 3rd friday

Monday, August 6, 2012

epic battle

Epic battle.

And in the end I felt sorry for Chong Wei who really played to the best of his ability. I had never seen him so composed like in the first set. That both wanted to win was so greatly obvious. But in any battle, a winner has to be decided. Alas, it wasn’t Chong Wei’s day. A real heartbreaker for everyone who followed closely and wanted so badly for Chong Wei to win. There were times when I felt suffocated by the thrills and spills. I was truly marveled by the level of extraordinary resilience displayed by both players. Though Chong Wei lost, in my heart, he is a real fighter and a hero.

Chong Wei, I salute you.

Those Who Stand on Pulpits of Pearls

Those Who Stand on Pulpits of Pearls

The Importance of Dhikrullah Series, Vol 1

Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani

21 July 2012 Fenton Zawiya, Michigan

Suhbah after Fajr

A`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytaani 'r-rajeem. Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem.
Nawaytu 'l-arba`een, nawaytu 'l-`itikaaf, nawaytu 'l-khalwah, nawaytu 'l-`uzlah, nawaytu 'r-riyaadah, nawaytu 's-sulook, lillahi ta`alaa fee haadha 'l-masjid.

أَطِيعُواْ اللّهَ وَأَطِيعُواْ الرَّسُولَ وَأُوْلِي الأَمْرِ مِنكُمْ

Ati`oollaha wa ati`oo 'r-Rasoola wa ooli 'l-amri minkum.
Obey Allah, obey the Prophet, and obey those in authority among you. (Surat an-Nisa, 4:59)

As-salaamu `alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh!

Everyday people look for fresh food and try to add to what they have. Today Allah (swt) made it easy for us to meet in Ramadan in order that we all benefit. I am not saying I’m better than you, but I am saying you are better than me, because if you were not here to whom would I speak?

I’m not like Grandshaykh (q), may Allah bless his soul, when he was in seclusion and he didn’t have anyone to speak to, so he put his turban in front of him and spoke to it to empty the knowledge coming to his heart. As you empty the heart they fill you up, but if you are happy with what you have they will leave you like that. If someone keeps emptying his heart, Allah (swt) will keep sending as He is generous, not like us:

Min karam al-ilaaha laa hudooda lahu. Fa huwa al-mu`tiyy wa huwa an-nafi`.
Allah's Generosity has no limits. He is the Supreme Giver and the Giver of Good.

Allah is not like us, who wait until we get more in order to give. Two of Allah's Attributes are al-Kareem, The Most Generous, and al-Mu`tiyy, The One Who Is Generous. You cannot compare His Generosity with someone who is generous in dunya. When Allah (swt) gives, He continues giving non-stop until the Day of Judgment.

For example, you see an ant moving towards its food, but how does it find its food? Do you not see ants passing, finding their food, then going? To ponder that, you see Allah's Greatness, making a very small ant, dharr, the smallest thing you can understand, to move, and you don't know where is its head and where is its stomach; it might be moving backwards or forward, but the hikmat is that the ant reaches crumbs or traces of food, takes it and goes. By pondering Allah's Greatness in making that ant move, you will be dressed with rewards that will not disappear, but rather they continue to the Day of Judgment! Just by doing that and nothing else, Allah's Generosity will dress you. Look at Allah's Hikmat! To the Day of Judgment, you will continuously be rewarded for that `amal that is completely separate from any other `amals.

The following hadith is from the prophecy of an-Nabi (s), which is “al-Mutanabbi,” the one who speaks about the future. The Prophet (s) foretells what is happening today, describing this meeting in detail! He receives it as revelation. One hadith is enough to contemplate and for sure, you can only understand that hadith through Allah's Greatness!

Abu Dardaa (r) said that the Holy Prophet (s) said:

عَنْ أَبِي الدَّرْدَاءِ رضي الله عنه قَالَ: قَالَ رَسُولُ اللهِ صلي الله عليه وآله وسلم: لَيَبْعَثَنَّ اللهُ أَقْوَامًا يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ فِي وُجُوهِهِمُ النُّورُ عَلَى مَنَابِرِ اللُّؤْلُؤِ. يَغْبِطُهُمُ النَّاسُ لَيْسُوا بِأَنْبِيَاءَ وَلاَ شُهَدَاءَ. قَالَ: فَجَثِىَ أَعْرَابِيٌّ عَلَى رُكْبَتَيْهِ فَقَالَ: يَا رَسُولَ اللهِ، حِلْهُمْ لَنَا نَعْرِفُهُمْ. قَالَ: هُمُ الْمُتَحَابُّونَ فِي اللهِ مِنْ قَبَائِلَ شَتىَّ وَبِلاَدٍ شَتىَّ. يَجْتَمِعُونَ عَلَى ذِكْرِ اللهِ يَذْكُرُونَهُ

wa `an Abi Darda radiallahu `anhu qaal: qaala Rasoolullahi la-yaba`thanna-Llaahu aqwaaman yawma ’l-qiyaamati fee wujoohihim an-noor `alaa manaabiri 'l-lu'loo. Yaghbituhum an-naasu laysu bi anbiyaa wa laa shuhadaa. Qaal: fajathiya `araabiyyun `alaa rukbatayhi, faqaal: yaa Rasoolullah, hilhum lanaa na`rifuhum. Qaal: humu 'l-mutahaabboona fi’llaahi min qabaaila shataa wa bilaadin shataa. Yajtami`oona `alaa dhikrullahi yadhkuroonahu.
Abi Darda (r) said that Prophet (s) said, “On the Day of Judgment, Allah Almighty will resurrect some people with shining light on their faces. They will be sitting on pulpits made of pearls and the other people will envy them. They will neither be Prophets nor martyrs.” (Hearing this) a Bedouin bent down to his knees saying, “O, Holy Prophet of Allah Almighty! Please describe these people so that we may recognize them.” The Holy Prophet said, “They are the people who, regardless of their connection to different tribes and countries, love each other for the Sake of Allah Almighty and gather together to remember Him.” (Tabarani)

Look what Allah (swt) is giving for this meeting! The Prophet (s) said that certainly on the Day of Judgment, Allah (swt) will raise people with faces full of Light, fee wujoohihim an-noor. He said,“al-Noor,” in which “al” is the definite article used to describe “The Light.” Allah (swt) will raise them on the Day of Judgment so that in their faces, meaning in every cell of their faces there is an-Noor, The Light, not simply “noor.” “Huwa al-Noor,” as Allah (swt) said:

اللَّهُ نُورُ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ

Allaahu nooru 's-samaawaati wa 'l-ard.
Allah is the Light of the Heavens and Earth. (Surat an-Noor, 24:35)

So one of Allah's Beautiful Names and Attributes is “an-Noor,” with “al” as a definite article. That means from His Beautiful Names and Attributes, Allah (swt) will send an-Noor, “The Light” on their faces, from which they will be shining. Those whose faces will shine from Allah's Beautiful Light will become beacons on the Day of Judgment for all creation!

Allah (swt) said, “Allah is the Light of the Heavens and Earth,” so when He gives you His Light your face glows with whatever knowledge is in it, because He created the Light of the Prophet (s) from His Light! That means you are carrying the Light of the Prophet (s) and the Light of Allah's Beautiful Name and Attribute, an-Noor. On the Day of Judgment, when someone becomes dressed with that Light of an-Noor, he becomes Divine, mukhaladan fi ‘l-Jannah, living forever in Paradise! We are speaking of akhirah, not dunya. That hadith describes this meeting and describes something that no one can understand.

How are you going to present someone who is carrying that Light? When you are glowing from that Light, it means Allah (swt) is dressing you with that from His Generosity and He is not going to make you walk, but rather He will give you a vehicle. They will be sitting on manaabiri 'l-lu'loo, “pulpits of pearls” like a carriage. To go on a minbar, pulpit, means people are sitting and you are the leader; you will be leaders for people on the Day of Judgment, when people are in the greatest need to enter into Paradise and not to be punished. So as you are moving and coming with pulpits of pearls, as the Prophet (s) described, that Light is reaching people. They are not just pulpits of pearls, but the Prophet (s) mentioned it in this way for us to understand, because the Light of Allah’s Beautiful Namean-Noor cannot be described.

to be continued.. insyaAllah.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

di jalan sesat

Sedang Tuhan di mana mana

Melihat semua dosa

Dalam serata usia walau ditelan

Segitiga Bermuda

Selalu ku mengulangi

Dosa yang telah ku buat

Dikutip kembali

Mengapa begini

Mengapa begini

Sedang Tuhan tahu sesiapa

Untuk neraka untuk syurga

Aku tak terpaksa memilih syurga

Demi pengertian pada hukum alam

Dan sesungguhnya aku cinta

Pada Mu Tuhan

Walaupun sesat jalan

m nasir


Bali Accommodation